What we're working on

Agate – A Simple Handwritten Font

Selecting the perfect font is crucial to the success of a design. A new font can instantly change the readers perception of the text and affect the tone of the overall project. I often spend countless hours searching through a ridiculous collection of fonts and always end up using one of the same 10 fonts used for everything. If they’ve worked before, they should work again right?

I recently accepted a job that required a new approach to my font selection. I presented my client with the design mockup we were working on with over 50 font options. While they were willing to settle on a common overused font, it was obvious that none of the options were “exactly” what they were looking for. After looking back at the original design that they were so excited about, I realized what the problem was. Our original rough draft was a hand sketched doodle with a black sharpie. It was handwritten so it was unique. It was simple. It was exactly what we needed to fit the personality of this project. OTF font creation has never been one of my favorite design projects but I really enjoyed this one.

Proudly Introducing

Agate (pronounced ah-get) is a simple handwritten font perfect for all types of projects. It includes all upper and lower case letters, numbers, and commonly used symbols. This OTF font can be purchased on Etsy. Your purchase will include a commercial license to use this font any way you can imagine (besides reselling the font).

Don’t forget to use out Etsy Shop Code ” DOTCOM “ for 10% OFF any CallaCo Design.

The Perfect Font . . .

I have yet to find a font that I consider perfect for every project. Maybe a font like that doesn’t exist. However, I am always open to suggestions. Do you have a “go-to” font? We’d love to hear about it. Drop a comment below or send us a message.